Christmas Cavolo Nero & Sausagemeat Stuffing

PREP: 10 Minutes
COOK: 20 Minutes
Skill Level: Easy
Picture of Cavolo Nero & Sausagemeat Stuffing

Nutrition Info (Per Serving)

70 kcal Energy
6 g Carbohydrate
1.5 g Protein
1.1 g (of which Sugar)
4.4 g Fat
1 g Fibre
1.4 g (of which Saturated Fat)
1 g Salt


  • 1/2 x 500g pack cavolo nero
  • 1 tbsp oil
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 10g sage, chopped
  • 454g sausagemeat
  • 100g breadcrumbs


  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C, gas mark 6. Grease a large baking tray.
  2. Cook the cavolo nero in boiling water for 3 minutes, drain and roughly chop in a food processor. Cool.
  3. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion for 2-3 minutes, add the sage and cook for a further 1 minute. Cool and stir into the sausagemeat with the cavolo nero and breadcrumbs, season.
  4. Mould into 16 balls and place on the prepared tray. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden and cooked throughout.
  5. Serve with roast turkey and all the trimmings.
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